The TomboyX Product Lifecycle

Ever wonder how our comfortable, functional, sustainable designs start out? After all, a heavy hitter like the Summit Windbreaker doesn’t just appear in our warehouse one day, fresh from founder Fran Dunaway’s imagination. It’s time for a little TomboyX “birds and the bees” talk.
We start with an idea. For some of our styles, like the Packing Briefs or our First Line Leakproof Collection, the idea comes from a need– some of our customers need space for a packer! Lots of people need leakproof underwear! For a piece like the Summit Windbreaker, the idea comes from a combination of customer feedback (“give us a jacket!”) and pure fashion curiosity. We asked ourselves, can we build performance outerwear that meets all of our customers’ fit needs, feels amazing, looks super cool, and can be made sustainably? If you’ve worn the Windbreaker, you know the answer is a resounding yes.
From there, our Product Design team starts sketching. Here’s an early look at the Summit Windbreaker, when it was just a glimmer in our Senior Designer’s eye:
The Design team decides what the garment will look like, and what prints and colors it’ll be available in. For the Summit Windbreaker, we knew we wanted a few solid color options, and we knew we’d also want to make it in a vibrant Activewear print like Embrace the Curve.
Then, it’s time for our Product Developer and Senior Technical Designer to bring the design to life. They put together a pattern for our manufacturers with all the necessary dimensions and specs, and source sustainable materials from our trusted suppliers. For the Windbreaker, we knew we’d need something durable and breathable that could keep the elements out and keep your temperature regulated– you wouldn’t want to throw on a down coat or fleece sweatshirt right after a workout. They came up with a recycled polyester and spandex blend, with a polyester mesh lining. Genius.
Once we have samples in hand, we start fit testing. Our beloved fit models try on new pieces and together with the Product team they determine what needs to be added, removed or tweaked. The Summit Windbreaker was fit tested on our size Small, Large and 4X fit models, and given a few updates by our Senior Tech Designer while draped on a very stylish dress form:

Once we’re satisfied that we’ve made the best possible new design, it’s time to start producing enough of them to sell. Updated patterns, sketches and specs go to our factories, and they cut and sew thousands of pieces, which are then shipped to our warehouse in San Diego.
The warehouse team gives each Windbreaker a little pep talk (unverified) as it’s packaged up and shipped off to its new home. And from there, the story is yours– where will you wear your Summit Windbreaker? Be sure to take photos and tag us @TomboyX!