5 Reasons Why Every Adult Needs a Onesie

When we thought of onesies for babies growing up, they were the one-piece footie pajamas we would wear as children. When we see children from infancy to elementary age wearing them, sometimes we can’t help but let our own childhood nostalgia hit us.
We have some good news — onesies aren’t only for kids anymore.
Looking at how fashion has progressed and evolved throughout the decades (and even centuries), it’s easy to predict most trends. Still, once in a while, a curveball gets thrown our way that we never saw coming.
One of those curveballs is the adult onesie — just one aspect of a complete loungewear set. Like a baby bodysuit, this is the pinnacle of comfort and functionality. But why should babies get all the fun? They get “baby onesies” and get to nap whenever they want and don’t have to pay taxes?
It’s time for adults to honor our inner child and our outer fashionistas and pop on the onesie. For many, this kind of bodysuit is a joyful and comfy way to let loose, not unlike your favorite oversized t-shirt or sweatshirt. While onesies certainly aren’t right for every occasion, there are plenty of reasons why every adult needs a onesie.
So, we’re going to go through five of those limitless reasons. Keep reading for how to rock a onesie and all the best opportunities to do so.
1. Are You Still Watching Netflix?
You know how every once in a while, you have a Sunday when all you want to do is rest and mentally prepare for another work week? For those occasions, you want to have maximum peace and comfort.
We’re talking about lighting a couple of candles, curling up on the couch, and putting on New Girl long enough for Netflix to ask you if you’re still watching.
Of course, you also need the best loungewear to ensure ultimate comfort. You probably know where we’re going with this… That’s right; you absolutely need a onesie. This piece of sleepwear-turned-loungewear can make you feel more cozy than anything else.
The Best Onesie Material
The best onesies are going to be made out of cotton or organic cotton. Cotton is one of the most common textiles for clothes for several reasons.
First, it’s an immensely breathable fabric. That’s super important when you’re in a onesie because every inch of you is wrapped up. It could get a bit warm in there, but cotton helps to keep air passing through its fibers to help keep you cool.
We’re big fans of cotton that has earned its OEKO-TEX certification. This is cotton that’s certified to be sustainable, ethical, and free of chemicals.
We also are here to shout out how much we adore TENCEL™ Modal for loungewear, in particular. It’s flexible, it’s soft, and it’s sustainable (grown from natural beech wood). What’s not to love?
Cotton and TENCEL™ Modal are known to be very soft. If you’re going to be covered from head to toe, it’ll be better for it to be a material that’s soothing to your skin. These cozy numbers are so soft that you’ll start looking for excuses to wear them again and again.
2. Let the Cosplay Commence
If you’re someone who likes to dabble in cosplay, then we are right there with you. One of the fun things about onesies is that it’s incredibly easy to find all kinds of themed onesies that give that otaku energy.
You can find all kinds of unisex onesies for brand-name characters from movies, shows, and video games. If you’re looking for something more general, you might want to check out a Kigurumi.
If you haven’t heard of Kigurumi, it’s a term used in Japan that means costumed character. Think of those quirky animal-themed onesie pajamas you’ve seen all over.
If you ever have an occasion to cosplay, then you have a reason to buy a onesie. You could be going to a comic con, a Halloween event, a themed party, or hanging in your room. At least once in your lifetime, you’re bound to have a solid reason for a onesie, so it’s about time you add it to your wishlist.
3. Showing You’re the Biggest Fan
If cosplay isn’t your thing, maybe sports are. Sports fanatics live and breathe based on how their favorite sports teams are playing, who’s being traded and who’s being drafted, how their brackets for playoffs look, and so much more.
If you love your team, then it goes without saying that you’ll want to celebrate them wherever you go. What better way to do that than with a onesie decorated with your team’s name, colors, and logo?
As soon as people see you at a watch party or at a game, they’ll know just how big of a fan you are. You’ll be making friends left and right who love that team as much as you do.
A onesie can do more than keep you warm and comfy. It’s fans like you in your onesie that players and coaches see online or in the stands that help give them confidence and a reason to play to the best of their abilities. Even Bucks forward Jon Brockman wears one to support his favorite college teams.
4. Just Hear Those Sleigh Bells Jingling…
We can’t go through the reasons every adult should have a onesie without mentioning the most wonderful time of the year. Christmas is the time of year for jolly music, hot chocolate, twinkling lights, time with your loved ones, and everything warm and cozy.
It’s always during the holiday time that we see friends, couples, and families celebrating with matching pajamas and outfits. The most traditional route is to buy a set of red plaid pajamas, but why not try something different and add a little twist on a tradition?
Instead of matching Christmas pajamas, try a onesie.
A onesie will keep you extra toasty on any cold winter day. Plus, it has the fun spirit that embodies the season. You can try a onesie that has a traditional Christmas print like plaid, snowflakes, Christmas trees, and Christmas wrapping designs. If you’re feeling bolder, you can always go for a onesie designed like a reindeer, an elf, or Santa.
5. Just Being Yourself
What we really love about onesies is that they really give you an opportunity to be yourself.
We can talk all day long about how comfortable different fabrics are or how snug you can feel when you’re wearing a onesie, but here’s the truth: there is nothing that will ever be more comfortable than simply being yourself.
Life is too short to worry about what other people might think about you. We need to learn to throw caution to the wind more often and take a stand to be bolder and more confident about who we are. Sometimes, that might just mean wearing a unicorn onesie.
When people see your personality shining through, you’re bound to draw in people. You’ll have a circle of people who will accept and love you for who you are.
When It’s Too Hot for a Onesie
When it’s too hot for a onesie, we need to call on the romper. The romper is the answer to our summer-time demand for cozy clothes; why only have fun while it snows?
Well, TomboyX has some options for you, like romper-style ‘fits. If you check out our rompers, you’ll see some options for rompers as an alternative to the jumpsuit-style onesies.
We think you’ll love the Anywhere Romper:
This romper has the Awesome Blossom design covered in colorful flowers or an all-black option if you want to keep it classy. It has all of the comfort that a onesie can give but more freedom to move around and wear it for more occasions than you could with a onesie.
With all of that and a hoodie, this will be your favorite outfit to wear at home and on the go.
The One Onesie To Rule Them All
We’ve talked about how onesies make you feel snug by wrapping you up from head to toe, but sometimes you want an option for weather that’s a tad warmer. Or maybe you want a little more freedom and don’t want your legs and arms wrapped in comfort.
It’s always nice to have options like short sleeve onesies, long sleeve onesies, and more. No matter what’s on the itinerary, the onesie might be just the thing.
Cotton Fibre - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
10 Reasons a Onesie is the Best Last Minute Costume to Go Drinking In | Crawl Reno
Bucks Forward Jon Brockman Loves Wearing Adult Onesies | Yahoo! Sports