Ari Fitz Tells Powerful Stories

My name is Ari Fitz. I am a storyteller.


Sharing stories, it gives people the ability to dream. When I was growing up, I always looked for stories and T.V. and film and movies and books that kind of spoke to me. And now that I have the ability to actually tell those stories, now I wanna make sure that, like, my 13 year old self gets to see herself more.


My goal is to just really shift the way that we define beauty. I didn't see myself as beautiful for the longest time. And that bitch is fine. Like I didn't know that. like how did I not know that for so long? That's ridiculous. Why did it take me so much time for me to realize that I actually like a beautiful girl?


I would like for, like, my 13 year old self coming up to know that, like, everything's good, that you look amazing, you're fly, you're capable, you're worthy, you're loved and all those things. And I hope that the people who see my work can start to feel that as well.


For more from Ari Fitz, you can follow her on YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter. Ari is wearing our Neutrals Collection bralette and 9" boxer briefs in nude X=2.