Audrey Dismond, a Woman Who Never Stops Working for Flint, MI.

Flint, MI is in the news, and not for good reasons. A town that has been down on its luck so many times, it takes the strength of unwavering community to stay strong. One of those community leaders is Audrey Dismond. Throughout the years, Audrey has done incredible work to support her community through her work in construction. With her latest project, she is taking on a topic we often take for granted: clean water


Photo By Field Gems Photography

Tell me about your charity.

Roof Right- we provide charitable construction work for senior women. Disadvantaged women who were down on their luck. Roofs, bathrooms, kitchens- whatever they need. I would like to do a whole house one day for a woman in need. The most we needed for one customer was a roof, windows and kitchen. Most of the work is done within the 60 miles of Flint. I estimate I have helped hundreds of women. Clothes, food, whatever you can. Everybody needs help at some time. Doesn’t matter how much money you have or how blessed you are. If more people were focused about the help, just that with no strings attached, we would be so much better as a people. It’s the way. It’s love.

What is it like to be a woman in construction?

As a woman, a black woman, there has been nightmarish moments. But, construction is much more than my living. It’s my passion. Therefore, I stick with it. No one takes you seriously. But then they realize you’re better than they are. They give you lots of challenges like red tape. If I don’t do it, who else will? If I can be an example for tomboys all around, it’s for me to do. I was once commissioned to do work in a mansion. The best neighborhood. I got the job over many well established male-owned construction companies. The triumph came with me standing on the tallest part of the house at 68 feet tall. 


Photo By Field Gems Photography

What was it like growing up as a Tomboy? 

We were the first black family to move into the neighborhood where we lived. I loved sports, track & field. I never wanted to wear a dress. I loved working with the tools from a young age. My father is a doctor. He was not about getting his hands too dirty. But my mom, she is a tomboy, too. She embraced my tomboy spirit. I learned from her. She is 80! The other day, she got up on a roof to fix it  and do electrical work for the house. No matter what, be you and rock it.

Photo By Field Gems Photography

What are your favorite tomboy briefs?

I love the Feeling Frisky. I wear them every single day! I’ve tried every brand. Every pair of underwear. I’m going to wear TomboyX until I die.

Who is your favorite tomboy?

My mother, not just because she is a tomboy, but also because of her kindness and love. Doing everything, no matter the circumstances. She embraces it with such grace. A very strong, wonderful, woman who sees beauty in everything.


Photo By Field Gems Photography

What draws you to Flint, MI?

Flint was exploited and kicked to the side. The city was rundown and there is a lot of crime. I am doing my best to help people get back on their feet. 


Tell us about your latest project.

As you may know, there is currently a water crisis in Flint. Helping those in need, especially pregnant women and those with children is what I will do. I will concentrate my efforts toward installing whole house filtration systems into residences whose lead levels are outrageously high in the targeted group I specified above. It is my belief that this is a viable solution. The filtration systems last at least six years, which gives the city/state time to make infrastructure corrections. This (in my opinion) is a better approach both individually, it gets tough fetching hundreds of water bottles constantly, and globally, the staggering amount of trash generated from the empty bottles leaves a footprint on the planet. You can donate to the project here